Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow is awesome... when you're not pregnant

I remember snow being exciting. The thought of it catapults me to the mountaintops in Washington and Oregon where I'd tighten my goggles, strap in my boots and glide down the white slopes.

Unfortunately, when you're pregnant, you can't snowboard. You can't really do a lot of things, actually. Instead, your husband (with such wonderful intentions), keeps you locked inside the house.

I slowly retreated like a sad puppy when Kyle angrily stared me down as I showered and dressed for work while the news anchorwoman in the background repeatedly said "don't travel unless it's absolutely necessary." Heck, work is "absolutely necessary" in my mind. But yesterday there was a sheet of ice over an inch thick on the ground. I agree. It's not worth trying to scoot my way out the door when I'm already off balance thanks to my enlarged stomach. One fall could be devastating. Thankfully, though, the Internet allows one to tap into work on icy days like yesterday.

One thing I'm learning quickly is that being a mom requires sacrifices before the kid even arrives. I like to think of myself as a career-driven woman with multiple dreams and desires. But I've seen the same scare tactic movies and know enough mothers to assume that my dreams will always be there but that I may take a few detours before I get there.

Well, last night it snowed over the ice. So Kyle sweetly cleared and salted a pathway for me off our back deck and out to the street. Here's one of the photos I was able to get as I sucked in the crisp, fresh air.

Ah yes. I remember snow being exciting. It still is (from the window). And although I don't live near mountains anymore, I'm guessing the snow will be much more exciting in the future as I get to build snowmen in it with my kids.

1 comment:

Marlajc said...

Yes, snow is wonderful when you can enjoy it with your little ones. And soon…too soon, those little children will be off with their own lives and you will once again enjoy your inner child.

Oh and by the way, this is just the beginning of many sacrifices…but the happiness your little boy will bring to you will leave those once thought of sacrifices in a distant memory, which no longer appear important.